Fan Mail


Oh my, thank you so very, very much.  This curriculum is maybe the most powerful and important that I’ve ever seen and maybe Herb is the most important show that we’ve created yet.

A thousand thank yous for this very powerful document!

Colin Williams
Founder and Creative Director
Sixteen South Productions

Hi Natascha,

As I am sure you are aware, we have now hit the magic mark of our 52nd premise! The series is now well and truly in the making.

This seems a good opportunity to thank you for being such an important part of the story development and such an invaluable member of the team. Your notes have concisely provided support – and encouragement – to an extremely complex and at times over-scrutinized process. Your brilliant and insightful notes have assisted greatly in navigating our path as smoothly as possible and ensuring some truly wonderful stories.

I’m extremely happy that we’ve had the benefit of your considerable experience. I look forward to working alongside you again in the future…

My best wishes,

Simon Spencer
Showrunner/Series Producer
Zodiak Kids Studios

Hi Natascha. We’re just getting to the last of the voice recordings on Odo, and I wanted to be sure to thank you for being such a pleasure to work with. Actually, you’ve been very inspiring. I’ve learned so much from working with you and we’ve come up with 52 cracking great scripts. So thanks. I hope our paths cross again.

Sending good vibes from across the sea,

Adam Long
Head Writer

Hi Natascha,

Thanks for your these. Always love your notes, even on a challenging episode like this – actually, especially on an episode like this!

Not only are they really helpful in pinpointing the areas we need to work on, but also full of great, constructive suggestions.


p.s. We’re going to do a language pass to make sure none of our mom/co-viewer jokes get in the way of kid comprehension. I may shoot you some quick questions on this…

Robert Vargas
Showrunner/Executive Producer

Letter from Suzie

Translation: “I love Gabby’s Dollhouse. Thank you for making it!”
Love, Suzie – Age 5

Hey Natascha,

Bang-up work on the Monkey Curriculum document—truly!—so thoughtful and well written and tailored to the particulars of our show.

Thanks so much!

Kurt Muller
Executive Vice President, Creative Content
Silvergate Media

Hi Natascha,

I don’t think we’ve ever been formally introduced, but I wrote for “Zack and Quack” and “The Floogals,” and I’ve been wanting to drop you a line to thank you so much for your thoughtful, creative, spot-on notes on all my scripts.

You are truly the best advisor I’ve ever worked with, and I hope we get to work together again. In fact, if you don’t mind, I’m going to share your information with a producer on my current project, I don’t know if you have bandwidth to work on any other projects, but I think we could use someone like you to help us develop the curriculum for the series.

I just checked your LinkedIn page and it says you’re in the NY area. For some reason I always thought you were in London. It would be great to meet face to face for a coffee or lunch one day!

Hope all is well,
Jacqui Moody

Jacqui Moody
Head Writer

Hi Natascha!

I just read an article on Yahoo about Blippi’s Treehouse and was SO glad they shouted you out! I’ve been with Moonbug a year and a half now, working on Blippi, and EVERY time you are involved… we are a thousand times better. Just wanted to say hello and thank you!

Leo Kelly
Creative Assistant at Moonbug

Good to hear from you, Natascha, and a Happy Floogals Day!

I miss working with you — you truly are the best consultant I’ve ever worked with and really plussed the show in so many ways with your creativity and sense of playfulness.

Hope you’re doing well.


Douglas Wood
Head Writer

Hi Natascha,

Just wanted to tell you that I think your curriculum and script notes are phenomenal!! Thrilled you are working on this project.


Caroline Fraser
Head of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Productions

Letter from Suzie

Dear Natascha – I love Gabby’s Dollhouse! I love Pandy. I wish we could call each other. Can you actually go in the dollhouse? I hope you like my picture.

Love, Suzie (Age 6)

Hi Natascha,

Just popping my head round the door to say a quick hello again. I know we are not in direct contact on these notes but just wanted to reiterate again how helpful your notes are- thank you. I particularly love your note on this script about acknowledging when you are not ok. Such an important one!

Not many scripts left in the season now and I am so glad to have your input on them.

All best,

Denise Cassar
Head Writer

Hi Natascha,

I hope you’re well. Thank you for your invaluable insights and patience  with us during the session – we all got so much out of it and your presentation really sparked off our day in the a fantastic way. Your deep insights and obvious love for kids, the way they think, and the content they consume was evident throughout your presentation. We all felt very lucky to have you spend some time with us in the room over Zoom!

Thanks again and will keep in touch as the project progresses.

Do reach out if you’re ever in Australia too – it’d be great to keep talking.

Thanks again,
Abi, Kate and The Beanies team

Abi Tabone

markers and eraser

